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About Cheryl Fort

Her Story

Cheryl is the daughter of Michael Fort and Josephine Ritch.  Cheryl has been a Northern Ontario resident all her life.  Her young years were spent in Nakina and her father’s career with the rialway had them move to Capreol for a year before relocating to Hornepayne in Grade 6.  She has called Hornepayne home ever since. She did live in Thunder Bay for Grade 11 and in Auden for three years.

Cheryl is the mother of three beautiful children.  The children are all grown, with two employed at Canadian National Railway and one is an entrepreneur and author.  Cheryl also sees her nephew as an adopted son and he is employed at a lumber mill.

Cheryl graduated high school with honours carried on with post secondary education through Distance Education first at the University of Windsor and then at Athabasca University.  Cheryl has taken two years of commerce and two years of general studies, focussing on communication.  

Cheryl has worked as a waitress, cook, housekeeping staff, stay at home mom, secretary and bookkeeper.  Currently, Cheryl is employed with Canadian National Railway as a Locomotive Engineer.  She is in her 19th year with the railway.

Cheryl is an avid volunteer and has been volunteering consistently for the past 28 years.   She has served on a variety of committees and boards.  She is most proud of her accomplishments with the Santa Claus Christmas Party, the Library Board and her time on committees of council.  “It is only working within a goal oriented and empowering environment do real accomplishments happen, both in outcomes and for the participants.” Cheryl Fort

Cheryl has sat on council for the past 8 years and has been an active participant.   Cheryl was elected in 2018 as Mayor of Hornepayne.  She is the first female and first Indigenous Mayor for the community.  Cheryl is also the second Indigenous Mayor to be elected in Ontario. Cheryl has an extraordinary appetite for community building and is always hunting down new information and best practices in this regard.  Cheryl is committed to being transparent and accountable. She is active on Facebook, LinkedIn, X and Instagram.

Cheryl is passionate about seeing people succeed and be the best that they can be.  She believes that success is an unlimited quantity and it is there for the taking, people just need to believe that they CAN.  Cheryl is a self directed leader and a strong advocate for empowering people to their fullest potential.


Cheryl is passionate for you and your community!

Terry Fox Run 2016, Diane Ryan, Councillor Fort and Barb Drury! We can make Terry’s Dream a Reality!

Contact Cheryl

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