It’s an election year!
Councillor’s Corner - January 3rd, 2018Happy New Year Hornepayne!
So yes, it was very disappointing that the Luc Denault meeting got cancelled again back in December. At the last council meeting we passed a motion to reschedule the meeting for January 11, 2018 at 1 pm. It is our hope that we can move forward with Economic Development Officer application as soon as we confirm the direction that council will be taking this year. It is imperative that we include the appropriate projects for the economic development officer to work towards. This date is also our next council meeting. As always everyone is invited to attended.
During our last meeting we discussed the options of moving our meeting documents to a digital format and having our meetings streamed. This year will be a turning point for our community as we move forward with improvements that will help the entire community be more informed.
We also discussed this column and the other council members have agreed to contribute. This is beneficial for the community that all council members have an opportunity to let their voice be heard.
On a last point I would like to remind everyone again is that this is an election year. It has been refreshing to hear people talking about elections and considering running. There will be more information about the local election in the coming months.
It is with enthusiasm and hope that I look forward to 2018. These past 16 months on council have been eye-opening and I look forward to the work we can get done this year. All the best to you and your families in 2018.
Cheryl T Fort