Run & Win
Councillor’s Corner - Wednesday August 2, 2017Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Special Facilitation Meeting with Luc Denault was cancelled last week. This meeting will be rescheduled for later in August. The Canada 150 Ad-Hoc Committee met and we are about half way through our mandate. It has been an overall rewarding experience and I look forward to the upcoming events. The next two events are the Dog Social on August 11 and Community Spirit Day on August 12.
It’s been a struggle to keep up with my reading; fishing, swimming and tubing in the summer sun is hard competition for a book. The current learning material has been a real eyeopener, Run & Win by Brain H. Clark. Although this book is written for someone that wants to participate in an election, it has may insightful approaches for being on council. This particular section stood out to me: “No good politician is a pushover. Politics is not for the weak. It is confrontational, while at the same time requiring a high degree of diplomacy and the ability to work cooperatively with others.”[1] The book takes you through the election process from a candidate’s perspective and clearly outline’s how to run a successful campaign. A definite read for anyone wanting to run in the next election. Although the election is over a year away, potential candidates need to be thinking about this now. There are so many things that can be done now in preparation for the election. For example, attend meetings, start getting informed about what’s happening, and join a board are all things that can be done now. Sitting at the council table has been a tremendous experience. If you have an appetite to learn and want to influence change definitely think about running. “A desire to serve and a vision of what you want to do – these are two essential qualities for a successful politician.”[2]
We have a council meeting tonight and you are always welcome to attend. Have a safe and fun summer.
Cheryl T Fort
[1] Page 5, Run & Win
[2] Page 9, Run & Win