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Lazy days of summer?

Councillor’s Corner - Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Summer holidays are supposed to be quiet and not as busy but that’s not the life on Council. A perfect example is that I write this article while enjoying a morning Timmy’s Coffee as I enjoy some holiday time. Definitely we are full steam ahead with projects and meetings.
We received notice that we have been approved through the Phase 1 process of the Economic Development Officer application process. The CAO and Stacey Rendell of the HEDC are working together to finish Phase II of the application. This is good news for our town. Economic Development is key to successfully moving forward to recreate and rebuild our community. When seeds are planted it takes a while for the plant to sprout because the roots are being established. Let’s hope that this project is forming deep roots and will be a big part in sustaining our future. We have started the interview process with consultant Luc Denault and have a special Council meeting scheduled for July 25th for further work on the completion of this valuable project of creating a plan for Council to move forward. Timing is everything and these two projects being completed and worked on together can only be a good thing.
The Canada 150 Committee is working hard at planning the remainder of the events for our celebration year. The committee looks forward to participation is Art in the Park, the Dog Social, and Community Spirit Day during the summer. We have Brooklyn Doiron working with the committee over the summer and she has been a delight to work with. We will be having a committee meeting on July 26th at 9 am.
It is with great appreciation and a proud heart that we congratulate Melissa Chenier, our Treasurer on her successful completion of Municipal Accounting and Finance Program with a final mark of 95%! Congratulation Melissa, we know that at Council you have been invaluable helping us move along and getting us good information for decision making. Thank you!
Well time to enjoy a second cup of coffee and plan a day of relaxation…enjoy your summer.
Cheryl T Fort
*Picture was taken July 2017 at First Government Lake.