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Public Awareness Day & Waste Management Standing Committee

Councillor’s Corner - Wednesday May 17, 2017
Hopefully I will see some of you this Friday May 19th at the Public Awareness Day from 10 am to 3 pm. Come on out and see what we have planned for the Canada 150 events plus check out the different organizations that we have in town.
At our last regular council meeting we had the ”Presentation of the 2016 Financial Statements” from the BDO Dunwoody, Mr. Nathan Dool. The presentation included a PowerPoint of the statements and Mr. Dool highlighted areas of the statements, taking extra time to explain and answer questions. We actually had a surplus last year of just over $62,000, welcome good news. The meeting was definitely interesting and lots was to be learned about our town finances. These financial statements should be available for you shortly, if not already, please call the township office for more information. Our next regular council meeting is May 24th at 6 pm, you are welcome to attend.
Over the last several months council has formed a Waste Management Standing Committee, that Councillor Willy Liebigt and myself are members. The first meeting of this committee was held on April 12th. The primary purpose of this committee is to review and make recommendations regarding the current practices regarding Waste Management and to develop a new landfill site or expand the present site. During this meeting we discussed meeting procedures, the new direction from the province on waste, the Terms of Reference for the committee, recycling ideas (a share shack and reduced plastic bag initiative), and we currently investigating the by-pass of the current transfer site. The bypass of the current waste transfer site and have waste brought directly to the landfill site in order to realize a costs savings is the hope. Our next meeting is May 25th at 6:30 in council chambers and as always you are welcome to attend.
Finally, On June 1 from 12:00 to 1:30pm Women in Politics will be hosting an event for any women that are interested in politics. The details of this events are not totally ironed out yet but if you would like information please contact me at . For the men in our community that are interested in politics please watch my articles in the coming months as I will be highlighting important need to know information for next year’s elections.
Cheryl T Fort