Meetings...getting stuff done!
Councillor’s Corner - Wednesday March 1, 2017This past week has definite been full of meetings. Whew! I have attended a working meeting for our Economic Development Officer application, two special meetings of council on Wednesday, February 22nd and a Cemetery Board meeting. The first meeting was productive and we are moving forward on the EDO application and getting all the necessary information in place. The first special meeting on the 22nd, we heard a very informative and thought provoking presentation from the Chief Administrative Officer, Luc Denault and the Mayor, Michel Arsenault of Smooth Rock Falls. Smooth Rock Falls has been able to stay competitive and enhance their community amidst great challenges; mill closure in 2006 causing a population exodus. Mr. Denault definitely has some great ideas and strategies for revenue growth. Why recreate the wheel when we have communities succeeding around us, lets learn, share and grow together. The second meeting on the 22nd was our special meeting to create a Code of Conduct and Social Media By-Laws. So yes, Hornepayne we are finally getting on board to have the structure in place for a Township Facebook page. Yay!!! The final meeting, Cemetery Board meeting, we discussed plans to improve the cemetery for this upcoming summer season amongst regular agenda items of budget and maintenance issues. So, you ask me what I am doing, here it is. Now I ask you, Hornepayne what are you doing for your community: last week every mailbox had the community survey and the deadline to get those surveys in is March 10. Please get your surveys in. We are going into budget talks and we need to know your opinions. Working together we can create a community that we can all be proud of.
Cheryl T Fort