Councillor’s Corner - Wednesday February 1, 2017Since being on council there are a few frustrations that have come apparent to me. At our last meeting, we were denied a grant application for the Canada 150 celebrations for our community. Frustrating. We will of course still celebrate Canada Day but it is disappointing when we are trying to move forward and are denied opportunities. The staff spends time preparing the application, the council spends time reading material, and there is hope in our conversations of what could be for our community. When the denial comes, it can take the wind out of your sails, if you let it, but this is how I have chosen to look at this: every attempt is a success to learn from, what can be done different and better next time, make sure that the right people hear our disappointment, lets get better at the process, start planning further ahead, be specific and relentlessly and pick ourselves up and strive forward. As we move forward this year we are going through the application process for an Economic Development Officer. Council, township staff and the HEDC is committed to this project moving forward. Another frustration is still dealing with the aftermath of the closure of the Town Centre Mall. The Curling Club and the Weight Training Facility have been sharing the Curling Clubroom since the closure of the mall. Council has given direction to Township CAO to get quotes and cost projections for moving the weight training facility into the Old Northern Store area. Although there has been discussion for bigger plans for this space eventually, we know that this small reorganization of municipal facilities could have a huge improvement to our overall wellbeing. I also would like to remind weight room users that council has asked for an individual to sit on the Recreation Committee. This is your facility and we need guidance on moving forward. Let’s work together to solve our problems and rebuild our community.
Striving forward,
Cheryl T Fort