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Economic Development Officer

Councillor’s Corner - Wednesday January 18, 2017
Over the last month, I have been learning about the process to hire and receive funding for an Economic Development Officer (EDO). There is definitely a need for economic development in our community. On January 5th Stacey Rendell of the Hornepayne Economic Development Corporation (HEDC), Gail Jaremy the Township’s CAO and myself had a meeting to discuss past progress that had been made towards hiring an EDO. It was good to learn the history of this process and a little history of the HEDC as well. We are looking at the possibility of moving forward and working together to secure this capacity for our community. We are hopeful that at the council meeting on January 25th that we will get a resolution to continue working on filling out the application and complete the process. Hornepayne can have a bright future, can grow and redefine itself, if we plan for it. As the process continues I will keep you posted and again you can always email me your questions or concerns. On a different note, it is with sincere gratitude that I say thank-you to those citizens that come out to council meetings. Your presence makes a difference and you are welcome at council meetings. This is our community, working together is the only way we are going to make change happen and move forward in seeing new developments. As a councillor, I am only one but I am willing to learn and do my part to make our town better.
Cheryl Fort